Research Priority Areas

CHNL’s research strategy is in line with Nord University and the Nord University Business School’s strategy plan 2020, where the goal is to establish CHNL as a leading research center in Norway in Artic maritime transportation and logistics.

CHNL’s research will strengthening research cooperation between Norway, Japan, and South Korea in the field of Arctic transportation and logistics. This includes strengthening ties and cooperation between both academia and businesses, including commercial shipping, logistics companies, and port authorities in all three countries.

CHNL’s research results will benefit commercial shipping companies, cargo owners, and service and logistics operators interested in take advantage of what Arctic shipping has to offer in the future and subsequently increase their competitiveness on the international shipping market. Offshore supply and port operators will also benefit from the research results, in terms of tailoring products and services to match operational transport and logistics systems in the Arctic. The Centre’s focus is on transport and logistics solutions that provide the needed safety and reliability and importantly minimize the environmental footprint of future Arctic operations.

CHNL will submit research proposals to national and international funding agencies in cooperation with partner institutions. The research will focus on several priority research themes which are listed below. These thematic research areas will also be the basis for developing educational materials and course offerings.

CHNL’s research priority areas are: